Proceedings of the National Rural Summit on Traffic Safety Culture 2009

Description of national conference on rural traffic safety culture, co-sponsored by the Western Transportation Institute, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Montana Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

November 2009

Suggested Citation

For media inquiries, contact:

Tamra Johnson


  • AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

The National Rural Summit on Traffic Safety Culture was the first national event to focus on the issue of rural traffic safety culture. The objective of the Summit was to have focused discussions amongst experts to identify critical issues in traffic safety culture, and to support a future strategic plan for research to better understand culture and apply it to improve safety.  Specifically, the goal of the Summit was to enable an exploratory dialogue amongst experts and stakeholders on the effects of traffic safety culture on fatal crashes, risk behaviors, safety policy, and research funding.  In support of this goal, the Summit presentations and discussions focused on three framework questions that are addressed in the transcripts of the presentations and panel discussion that follow:
1.  What are the knowledge gaps, or key questions, remaining in traffic safety culture?
2.  What is the vision for using culture to affect change in traffic safety?
3.  What are the critical steps to move forward with this vision?

Suggested Citation

For media inquiries, contact:

Tamra Johnson


AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety